Marketing Needs a Personal Touch

Which is cooler, Samsung, HP, Panasonic, Acer or Sony?

How do brands that sell a similar range of products separate themselves from their competitors?

When I worked a Samsung, we were a little known company with a very small office that backed onto a warehouse in Tolworth, far from the heady heights of the new UK Headquarters in Chertsey (check them out if you have not already been there). Launching new products was a regular activity, and much of the marketing was product focused.

At the time Samsung was very product driven, but as marketing improved, the products became part of the story

But we also had the competition in our sights – one of our principal goals was to elevate the Samsung brand above the competition in every single product category.

I think we did a pretty good job of that. Samsung became less product centric and more lifestyle centric. Samsung’s competition is Apple. We’d have taken that 15 years ago.

Your brand can only develop personality if you apply a personal touch and are able to communicate your core brand values – whatever they may be – to your key customers.

 And your key customers will only listen to you if you make them feel special.